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Hamid Charkhkar

Research Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Office: B-E242 Other
Phone Number: (216)

Awards and Recognitions

2021, Senior Member, IEEE

Professional Leadership and Service

Friday, January 1, 2016 - PRESENT, member IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Sunday, January 1, 2012 - PRESENT, Member IEEE


Shell, C., Christie, B., Marasco, P., Charkhkar, H., & Triolo, R. (2021). Lower-Limb Amputees Adjust Quiet Stance in Response to Manipulations of Plantar Sensation. Frontiers in neuroscience, 15 (), 118.
Christie, B., Charkhkar, H., Shell, C., Burant, C., Tyler, D. J., & Triolo, R. (2020). Ambulatory searching task reveals importance of somatosensation for lower-limb amputees. Scientific reports, 10 (1), 1--11.
Charkhkar, H., Christie, B., & Triolo, R. (2020). Sensory neuroprosthesis improves postural stability during Sensory Organization Test in lower-limb amputees. Scientific reports, 10 (1), 1--13.
Ereifej, E., Shell, C., Schofield, J., Charkhkar, H., Cuberovic, I., Dorval, A., ... Others (2019). Neural engineering: the process, applications, and its role in the future of medicine. Journal of neural engineering, 16 (6), 063002.
Christie, B., Charkhkar, H., Shell, C., Marasco, P., Tyler, D. J., & Triolo, R. (2019). Visual inputs and postural manipulations affect the location of somatosensory percepts elicited by electrical stimulation. Scientific reports, 9 (1), 1--14.
Christie, B., Graczyk, E., Charkhkar, H., Tyler, D. J., & Triolo, R. (2019). Visuotactile synchrony of stimulation-induced sensation and natural somatosensation. Journal of neural engineering, 16 (3), 036025.
Charkhkar, H., Christie, B., Pinault, G., Tyler, D. J., & Triolo, R. (2019). A translational framework for peripheral nerve stimulating electrodes: Reviewing the journey from concept to clinic. Journal of neuroscience methods, 328 (), 108414.
Charkhkar, H., Courtney, Shell, Marasco, Gilles, P., Dustin, T., & Triolo, R. (2018). High-density peripheral nerve cuffs restore natural sensation to individuals with lower-limb amputations. Journal of neural engineering, ().
Simon, D., Charkhkar, H., St. John, C., Rajendran, S., Kang, T., Reit, R., ... Others (2017). Design and demonstration of an intracortical probe technology with tunable modulus. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 105 (1), 159--168.
Charkhkar, H., Knaack, G., McHail, D., Mandal, H., Peixoto, N., Rubinson, J., ... Pancrazio, J. (2016). Chronic intracortical neural recordings using microelectrode arrays coated with PEDOT--TFB. Acta Biomaterialia, 32 (), 57--67.
Charkhkar, H., Arreaga-Salas, D., Tran, T., Hammack, A., Voit, W., Pancrazio, J., ... Gnade, B. (2016). Novel disposable microelectrode array for cultured neuronal network recording exhibiting equivalent performance to commercially available arrays. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 226 (), 232--238.
Charkhkar, H., Meyyappan, S., Matveeva, E., Moll, J., McHail, D., Peixoto, N., ... Pancrazio, J. (2015). Amyloid beta modulation of neuronal network activity in vitro. Brain research, 1629 (), 1--9.
Mandal, H., Knaack, G., Charkhkar, H., McHail, D., Kastee, J., Dumas, T., ... Pancrazio, J. (2014). Improving the performance of poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) for brain--machine interface applications. Acta biomaterialia, 10 (6), 2446--2454.
Charkhkar, H., Frewin, C., Nezafati, M., Knaack, G., Peixoto, N., Saddow, S., ... Pancrazio, J. (2014). Use of cortical neuronal networks for in vitro material biocompatibility testing. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 53 (), 316--323.
Knaack, G., Charkhkar, H., Hamilton, F., Peixoto, N., O'Shaughnessy, T., & Pancrazio, J. (2013). Differential responses to $\omega$-agatoxin IVA in murine frontal cortex and spinal cord derived neuronal networks. NeuroToxicology, 37 (), 19--25.
Peixoto, N., Nik, H., & Charkhkar, H. (2013). Voice controlled wheelchairs: Fine control by humming. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 112 (1), 156--165.
Charkhkar, H., Knaack, G., Gnade, B., Keefer, E., & Pancrazio, J. (2012). Development and demonstration of a disposable low-cost microelectrode array for cultured neuronal network recording. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 161 (1), 655--660.
Cohen, E., Agrawal, A., Connors, M., Hansen, B., Charkhkar, H., & Pfefer, J. (2011). Optical coherence tomography imaging of retinal damage in real time under a stimulus electrode. Journal of neural engineering, 8 (5), 056017.