Join the Lab

The Social and Physical Human-Robot Interaction (SaPHaRI) Lab at Case Western Reserve University’s Case School of Engineering is accepting applications for a variety of positions. The process differs slightly for each position, so please carefully read the instructions for the position you are interested in applying for.

Postdoctoral Researchers

Please prepare the following documents and send them in an email to Alexis E. Block at

  • A paragraph (or more) explaining why you are interested in working in the SaPHaRI Lab

  • A PDF of your current resume or CV

  • A PDF of your unofficial transcript from your current or most recent academic program

  • PDFs of up to three of your publications

  • Names, titles, institutions, and email addresses of two or more professional references

All complete applications will be carefully reviewed; we will provide feedback within one month of receiving your application. We look forward to hearing from you!

Doctoral Students

We are looking for doctoral students to join the lab:

  • You will need to apply to the official graduate program in Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering at Case Western Reserve University. It may also be possible to apply to the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and indicate that you would like to work with me (Alexis Block) as a supervisor.

  • We will gladly review your application alongside the rest of the applicant pool. We are planning to accept at least one new student into the lab next year; however, acceptance to CWRU and our laboratory can be very competitive.

  • If you are interested in working with me directly, please send an email to Alexis E. Block at ahead of applying to discuss potential research opportunities. Please also include the following information:

    • A paragraph (or more) explaining why you are interested in working in the SaPHaRI Lab

    • A PDF of your current resume or CV

    • A PDF of your unofficial transcript from your current or most recent academic program

    • PDFs of any publications you may have

    • Names, titles, institutions, and email addresses of two or more professional references

Master’s Students

  • We may have openings for master's students, but typically do not make any decisions about MS students until they arrive on campus.

  • Note that we do not fund terminal master's students in our lab, and that most often these positions do not morph into doctoral positions. If you are interested in a doctoral position, instead, please apply to the doctoral program and indicate that you are interested in working with me (Alexis Block) as your doctoral supervisor.

  • Dr.Block would be happy to work with master’s students for a thesis research project, or on a voluntary basis. Dr.Block will also be happy to work with (and happy with you) for any funding opportunities you may find to support your research in the lab.

  • If you're still interested in learning more, let me know once you've heard back from CWRU regarding your admission.

Undergraduate Students

  • Undergraduate students are welcome and encouraged to apply to get started in research. Please note that these positions are unfunded. Dr. Block will be more than happy to support an application for undergraduate funding.

Please fill out this interest form.