
Selected Publications

Book Sections

  • Fleissner G., Fleissner G., and Taylor B.K., “Magnetoreception”, Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (2nd ed) – 2019.


Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

  • Piephoff, F., Taylor, B. K., Kehl, C. E., Mota, B., & Harley, C. M. (2024). Biomechanics of transduction by mechanosensory cilia for prey detection in aquatic organisms. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 583, 111782.

  • Gill, J. P., & Taylor, B. K. (2024). Navigation by magnetic signatures in a realistic model of Earth’s magnetic field. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 19(3), 036006.

  • Pizzuti, S., Bernish, M., Harvey, A., Tourangeau, L., Shriver, C., Kehl, C., & Taylor, B.K. (2022). Uncovering how animals use combinations of magnetic field properties to navigate: A computational approach. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 208(1), 155–166.

  • Nichols, S., Havens, L., & Taylor, B.K. (2022). Sensation to navigation: A computational neuroscience approach to magnetic field navigation. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 208(1), 167–176.

  • O’Connell D, Kehl CE, Taylor B.K., Piacenza J., Piacenza S., Faller K.J., “A computational framework for studying energetics and resource management in sea turtle migration and autonomous systems”, Journal of  Theoretical  Biology, June 2020,
  • Taylor, B. K., M. K. Bernish, S. A. Pizzuti and C. E. Kehl (2021). “A bioinspired navigation strategy that uses magnetic signatures to navigate without GPS in a linearized northern Atlantic Ocean: a simulation study.” Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, May 2021,
  • Taylor B.K., Lohmann K.J., Havens L.T., Lohmann C.M.F., Granger J. Long-distance transequatorial navigation using sequential measurements of magnetic inclination angle. Journal of The Royal Society Interface. January 2021;18(174):20200887.
  • Taylor, B.K. Corbin, S. Bioinspired magnetoreception and navigation in nonorthogonal environments using magnetic signatures. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. 2019.
  • Huang, G., Taylor, B.K., Akopian, D. “A Low-Cost Approach of Magnetic Field-Based Location Validation for Global Navigation Satellite Systems,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 4937-4944, Dec. 2019,
  • Taylor, B.K. “Bioinspired Magnetoreception and Navigation Using Magnetic Signatures as Waypoints”, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, Vol 13, no 4, 14 May 2018 (Featured Article) –
  • Taylor, B.K., “Bioinspired magnetic reception and multimodal sensing.” Biological Cybernetics, 2017. 111(3): p. 287-308.
  • Taylor, B.K., Johnsen, S., Lohmann, K.J., “Detection of magnetic field intensity using distributed sensing: a computational neuroscience approach”. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, Vol 12, no 3, 19 May 2017 (Featured Article) –
  • Taylor, B.K., “Validating a model for detecting magnetic field intensity using dynamic neural fields” Journal of Theoretical Biology, Available online 10 August 2016, ISSN 0022-5193,


Peer Reviewed Conference Papers and Posters

  • Harvey, A., & Taylor, B. K. (2022). A Real-World Implementation of Neurally-Based Magnetic Reception and Navigation. In A. Hunt, V. Vouloutsi, K. Moses, R. Quinn, A. Mura, T. Prescott, & P. F. M. J. Verschure (Eds.), Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems (pp. 212–223). Springer International Publishing.

  • Taylor, B.K., Harvey A.J., Tourangeau, L., O’Connell, D., Kehl, C.E.,”Bioinspired magnetic navigation using magnetic signatures and robots”, Adaptive Motions of Animals and Machines (2021)
  • Nichols S.T., Kehl C.E., Taylor B.K., Harley C. (2020) Bioinspired Navigation Based on Distributed Sensing in the Leech. In: Vouloutsi V., Mura A., Tauber F., Speck T., Prescott T.J., Verschure P.F.M.J. (eds) Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Living Machines 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12413. Springer, Cham.
  • Taylor B.K., Charbonneau C, Kehl CE, Piacenza JR, Piacenza SE, Faller J, “Energetic Analysis of Tagged Sea Turtles Using Geomagnetic Navigation”, Presented – International Navigation Conference (2019)
  • Taylor, B.K. and G. Huang, “Bioinspired Magnetic Navigation Using Magnetic Signatures as Waypoints”, in Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems: 6th International Conference, Living Machines 2017, Stanford, CA, USA, July 26–28, 2017, Proceedings, M. Mangan, et al., Editors. 2017, Springer International Publishing: Cham. p. 48-60.
  • Huang, G., Taylor B.K., “Engineered and bioinspired approaches to magnetic navigation”. Presented at the ION 2017 Pacific PNT Meeting, Honolulu, HI, May 2017
  • Taylor, B.K., Wu, D., Willis, M.A., Quinn, R.D. “Maintaining Odor Tracking Behavior Using an Established Tracking Direction in a Dynamic Wind Environment”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2012.
  • Rutter, B.L., Taylor, B.K., Quinn, R.D., Lewinger, W.A., Bender, J.A., Ritzmann, R.E., Blumel, M., “Descending Commands to an Insect Leg Controller Network Cause Smooth Behavioral Transitions”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011.
  • Taylor, B.K., Willis, M.A., Quinn, R.D. “Integrating olfaction, vision and touch to locate fluid-borne odors in diverse and dynamic environments”. 1st International Conference on Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2010.
  • Taylor, B.K., Balakirsky, S., Messina, E., Quinn, RD., “Analysis and Benchmarking of a Whegs™ Robot in the USARSim Environment,” Proceedings of IROS 2008